Sunday, August 26, 2012

I'm a Winner

Recently I participated in a "Clean Slate Challenge".  This facebook based challenge was hosted by Shannon Golladay of Golladay, whom I met through my Team Beachbody coach Jody in her facebook community, Jody Lynn Fitness Community (tell them I sent you!).  The challenge was instrumental in my weight loss to date.  Designed to help you kick your bad eating habits to the curb once and for all, I learned a healthy relationship with my food as fuel for my body.

Through this challenge we learned about the importance of water in our diets; when to drink water, how much we should drink daily and why.  Did you know that many times when you get the urge to snack you are actually thirsty, not hungry?  I didn't either until I participated in the challenge.  I learned how to use to track my exercise and calories.  Do you know how many calories you consume in a day or how many you should?  Neither did I until I participated in this challenge.  I also learned how keeping a journal could help me reach my goals.  There was motivation for the days that I messed up to get me to do better because tomorrow is always a new day and a chance to succeed.  Accountability abounded with my weekly buddies, and I couldn't have done it without them.  I made a lot of changes.  Lots and lots of changes.  Prior to the challenge, when I was not working, my typical day consisted of approximately 900 calories, a full meal below the recommended daily minimum of 1,200 calories for a sedentary life style.  I was in starvation mode so everything I ate was stored as fat.  I truly had to learn to eat more to loose weight.  Shakeology was a staple.  What?  Eat 5 meals a day?  Are you crazy?  Counter intuitive, but right on the money.  Eating 5 small meals a day, every 3 hours, gave me energy and fuel for my workouts.  I really began to rock my INSANITY workouts...and the inches began to melt off.  Not a diet, diet's end and often in failure or leave you hungry and I'm never hungry.  This is a lifestyle change that I will continue to tweak for the rest of my life.

My loss during the Clean Slate Challenge amounted to 5 inches off my waist.  Those 5 inches, my dedication to making positive changes and sticking with it earned me the Winner's circle.  My prize is pictured above.  No, it isn't much and may even seem silly, but I felt on top of the world and even wore my 1st place medal the evening it came in the mail.  I can never thank my Clean Slate Challenge buddies enough for all the help they gave me, it meant more than they will ever know.  Thanks Shannon, you've taught me so much.  Not just about eating, but about believing in myself.

Find  and LIKE me on facebook at the fitter Fitter
Want to join a Clean Slate Challenge?  It's easy.  Find me and LIKE my page on facebook at the fitter Fitter.  Connect with me there and ask me about when the next Clean Slate Challenge is running so we can get you in the group.  You are much more likely to follow through when it gets difficult if you are accountable, and this group will hold you accountable and get you through the tough stuff.  I promise, they were there for me, I'll be there for you.  Decide.  Commit.  Succeed.
Join the Clean Slate Challenge to curb kick your bad eating habits for good!

What does it cost?  The challenge costs nothing but your time, energy and commitment.  The coaching is always free.  You will have to invest in a Team Beachbody Challenge Pack.  Why?  Because Shakeology works and it works best when you combine it with a home fitness program designed to give you big results, fast.  The investment is another layer of accountability.   There are many more workouts in the Team Beachbody workout library besides P90X and INSANITY if they scare you.  Workouts like Hip Hop Abs, Rockin' Body, Brazil Butt Lift, Turbo Fire, Chalene Extreme, Body Gospel, RevAbs, Les Mills Combat, Body Beast...and so many more.  There will be one that fits you.  Take your time shopping or talk to me about helping to find you a fit.  Pick a workout that will challenge you, but one that you can manage, one that you can enjoy.  Success is a huge motivator and we WANT you to succeed.

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